Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Who's the Leader

Reflection on the Election

I ain’t vote, and I didn’t die,
If anything, I feel, more alive
Because I looked at the choices, and saw through the lies,
Instead of a two party system I see old white old guys,
That look sort of the same, but in different color ties,
Telling me that I should keep my eyes on the prize,
Help change the future and vote for they ticket,
But once they get elected up my ass is where they stick it,
Our system is bull shit, it’s really twisted,
But when you constantly brainwashed, it’s hard to resist it,
Plus with all the fear they pump through the airwaves,
Got my fellow Americans constantly with they hair raised.
It’s a damn shame my lil cousin was in Iraq,
Over oil and revenge, I so thankful he made it back
I’m dropping some real hard truth here, without a track,
And it’s no lies here ma’am, just the facts
And my US government is so damn grimy,
I just read true history, and it reminds me,
Of democratic governments being over thrown,
Just because we want to pick who’s on the throne,
And the only reason our interest is ever even sparked,
Is if we can make money in the light and the dark.
I’m sorry if you don’t like my story, but it’s the real,
I might end up shot down with my records sealed,
Just because I’d rather be true and represent what’s real,
Instead of bullshitting people just to get me a deal.

This is how I felt after the 2004 United States Presidential Election. I remember the campaign telling young folks like me to vote or die. These days I still feel like the less energy I put into our political system, the more alive I am. I used to be really cynical and filled with a lot of anger at our politicians and political institutions and the order that they have established in our great land. These days I just feel at peace because I know that I am making the best possible choices in the areas that I can control in my life.

As I observed my fellow Americans reacting to the recent inauguration of Mr. Barack Obama for his second term as our President, I found myself more interested in our feelings than in his words. One of the best things about being in this state that we currently find ourselves in is that we have the option to make our life what we want it to be; no matter who is the President, Vice President, Senator, Congressperson, or whatever other title they may have, we get to choose how we construct our reality.

I hope that anyone who spends a few moments on this post will look toward the future not concerned with who is going to lead them; I hope you will be focused on how you are going to lead yourself.

You know what’s best for you, and if you think you don’t know, ask yourself, but only yourself. In the end it doesn’t matter who was the leader, what matters is where you end up. Vote for yourself, vote to be your best; vote to live your life the way you need to live it, vote to love yourself and everyone as you love yourself. If you vote this way you will be at peace with the outcome of every election.

I love you,


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