Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why doesn’t everyone act like they want to feel good?

I had stopped blogging for awhile because I had become so apathetic about so many things around me. I have always had an intense desire to make the people of our world smile in some way. And as I became apathetic and content to enjoy my exceedingly excellent and awesome life while everyone else did whatever they did I was unable to do so. Some will say the call was this and the call was that, I will just say that I changed my mind. That’s one of the great things about our minds; they can be changed and molded as long as we are willing to keep learning and living.

Why doesn’t everyone act like they want to feel good?

I had heard so many different people talk about how important it was to be happy and enjoy your life, but I saw very few of those same people actually doing the things that they spoke about. That is to say I didn’t see folks actually trying to be happy. I saw them trying to do this and trying to do that; trying to finish school, or trying to pay the rent, or trying to get to work, or trying to get closer to God, just trying to do anything they could. But I didn’t sense that they were truly enjoying the things they were trying to do; and the usual refrain was that they were just doing the best they could and eventually their time would come and they would be happy one day. I was only around 5 or 6 years old when started to notice this so I had extremely limited life experience to engage in fully accurate analysis of these things that I was observing, but I had feelings, and I didn’t feel that people really believed most of the stuff they were saying about one day it would be their time; I could see it in their eyes. Their eyes looked weary and tired, and they looked like they were hoping that their time would come one day, they really wanted it to come, but they didn’t really believe that it would; not enough to make it actually happen at least.

I write all of this to say that we need to first figure out what our time is? What are you looking to do in your life? What is going to truly give you happiness? And I mean the kind of happiness that people feel when their team wins the big game in the last moment, true euphoria. Not the happiness that comes from a comparison that is not relevant in any meaningful way.

A lot to digest all at once so I’ll stop for now; but I’ll continue a lot more often going forward.

Just questions to ask, and hopefully to poke and prod my fellow human brothers and sisters to stop living for everyone and everything else, and start working toward happiness.

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